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Books, E-learning and 5S Red Labels
Learn the best methods of performance measurement in the world and how they are used. The new performance measures chosen by today's world class enterprises relate directly to successful manufactruing strategy. Written for manufacturing managers as well as accountants, this book explains the theoretical foundation of these methods.
SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) is the way to reduce setup and changeover times to less than 10 minutes, and is therefore vital in achieving JIT production. This book provides complete and detailed instructions for transforming a manufacturing environment to make small inventory production feasible.
The Toyota Way Jeffrey Liker This book explains Toyota's unique approach to Lean Management - the 14 principles that drive Toyota's quality and efficiency-obsessed culture. You'll gain valuable insights that can be applied to any organization and any business process, whether in services or manufacturing. You'll discover how the right combination of long-term philosophy, processes, people, and problem solving can transform your organization into a Lean, learning enterprise - the Toyota Way!
This book has sold in the hundreds of thousands in a dozen countries. Lean Thinking is the single most powerful tool available for creating value and eliminating waste. In this revised and updated edition, they bring the story of the continuing advance of lean thinking and share a range of new tools aimed at the successful application of lean thinking.
This book shows how the visual workplace fosters efficiency, maintenance and continuous improvement. It contains 218 figures, case studies, tables and photos
5S Red Labels, 1 pack contains 500 Red Labels. Excellent quality, 250 gram paper, size 100 x 140 mm.
Informatie over onlinegeschillenbeslechting (Online Dispute Resolution, ODR): de Europese Commissie biedt een platform voor buitengerechtelijke beslechting van geschillen, te vinden onder de volgende link:
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